Should You Install Fire Attenuation Screens in Your Home?

Do you live in an area that's susceptible to bushfires? Have there been multiple cases of domestic fires in your neighbourhood or town? If so, it is a good idea to equip your home with fire attenuation screens. These are screens that have been manufactured to meet the Building Code of Australia. They offer protection against fire outbreaks and also prevent fires from spreading from one home to another. If you haven't yet installed these protection screens in your home, read on to learn a few reasons why you need them and how much they can do for your home.

Should You Use Self-Cleaning Glass Panels in Your Bi-Fold Doors?

Choosing bi-fold doors isn't just about deciding which design and style of door to use; you also have to decide what kind of glass to use in your doors. You have a fair few choices here, one of which—self-cleaning glass—may seem like a really good idea. After all, your doors could have a lot of glass in them and anything that reduces the time you must spend cleaning them will sound good.

3 Reasons Why Bifold Doors Will Make An Ideal Addition To Your Older Home

In recent years, bifold doors have become an increasingly popular choice for many homeowners across the country. They're a mainstay of modern interior design and are featured in many new homes designed by architects and home building companies. They're also a common choice for people who are renovating and updating older homes. Here are three reasons why bifold doors may make the perfect new addition to your older home. 1. Better indoor to outdoor flow

3 Things to Consider Before Buying Roller Shutters for Your Business Premises

The storefront is the first opportunity your business will have to make an impression on customers, many of them for the first time. The type of roller shutters you use will have a direct influence on the perceptions your customers and those passing by will have of your business. It is therefore essential to know how to pick the right type to meet your needs while adding to the perceived value of the business.

Dressing your Sunroom Windows for the Energy Saving Function

What compliments the Aussie summers more than a room mostly made of glass? There is no better way of enjoying the sun without having to step outside. But how do you stop your energy bills from driving through the roof in a room where brightness and heat is hard to moderate? Here's how you can dress your sunroom windows for the energy efficiency function. Sunroom shutters Sunroom shutters are the easiest and the most effective way of saving energy with sunroom window treatments.